Weekly Message & Bulletin

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due – August 28, 2022

Sometimes there are things that we really long for deep in our hearts and everything else pales in comparison.  Abraham longed deeply for the son promised to him by the LORD, and all his earthly wealth hardly mattered to him in comparison.  In the Old Testament reading, the LORD came to Abraham and reminded him that He was not only Abraham’s shield, but his greatest treasure.  That LORD, who keeps His promises as the all-powerful God of “free and faithful grace,” assured Abraham he would have a son…and through that son’s descendants, most importantly, a Savior. 

Some say, “You just gotta have faith” striving to keep a positive attitude in life.  But that sentence is only half complete.  What makes faith great remains the object of faith, the LORD and His promises in Jesus.  In fact, the birth of God’s Son, Jesus, is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promise given and repeated hundreds of times in the Old Testament.  By the LORD’s grace, we have possession of that promise and now with certainty equal to Abraham’s for the fulfillment of the LORD’s other promise—a heavenly inheritance, everlasting life in heaven. 

Be Rich With God – August 21, 2022

As Christians, our lives in this world have special significance, but it isn’t to acquire earthly wealth, possessions, fame, or honor. Our goal is to remain faithful to our Savior and reach life everlasting. During this earthly life, we live by grace; ours is to remain wise caretakers of God’s gospel and spread His word to others. So many people pursue the “stuff” of this sinful world to find meaning in life. Yet, such pursuits amount to nothing more than an inheritance that others receive after one dies. To be rich toward God means to live lives of thanksgiving for all that He has given us through Jesus Christ. 

In our Gospel reading, the man in the crowd called Jesus “teacher,” but hadn’t learned the importance of WHO Jesus was and WHAT He has called us to do during this time of grace. Paul tells us that lesson in Colossians: “Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” These terms do not simply mean that Christians ignore all earthly and physical concerns. Rather, Paul reminds us not to “earthly things” preoccupy and smother our faith and living for Jesus. 

Life Is Fragile; Handle It With Prayer – August 14, 2022

The Christian’s life is one of prayer. Prayer is an act of worship in which we speak to God from the heart, asking something of Him, or thanking Him for His mercies. We pray because God commands us to pray and promises to hear us.  We pray because we constantly need God’s help and we want to thank Him for His blessings. True, God-pleasing prayer is only to the Triune God—not to angels, saints, the dead, or some other god.  We pray in Jesus’ name, because He assures that through faith in Him as our Savior, our heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will hear and answer our prayers according to what’s for our good.  

Thank God For The Gospel’s Growing Season – July 31, 2022

After Jesus had silenced a challenge to His divinity by the Sadducees, the Pharisees gave it a try.  One of them, an expert in the law, tested Jesus with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” (Matthew 22:36) Jesus masterfully answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” (Matthew 22:37-39).  So true!  The First Table of the Law (Commandments 1-3) outlines how we are to love and respect God.  The Second Table of the Law (Commandments 4-10) presents how God expects us to love and respect all other people (“our neighbor”). 

Truly, if we love God perfectly (First Commandment), we would never sin. What’s more, if we could keep that First Commandment flawlessly, we would automatically keep Commandments 2-10. Therefore, we concur with St. Paul, when he wrote this Spirit-directed statement: “Love is the fulfillment of the law” (Romans 13:10).  But there remains only One Who loved and loves perfectly: our God and Savior Jesus (John 3:16). 

Be Zealous For The LORD God Almighty – July 17, 2022

In keeping with the theme of the growth of God’s Church during Pentecost, today’s lessons point to the fact that the life of a follower of Christ is a life of self-denial.  True faith demonstrates itself in sincere service to the Lord…all to His glory.  Indeed, Jesus comes first in our lives (Matthew 6:33).   

The objective comfort coming from a God-first attitude (First Commandment) remains the gospel.  Since we know God has saved us by His grace in Jesus’ alone, we are free to live for Him.  Out of gratitude, we live to do and to keep His will.  God’s saving gospel moves us to share this “good news” of free salvation with others as well.  

Jesus demonstrated a perfect love that wouldn’t prevent Him from carrying out His saving mission.  God grant that we cling faithfully to Jesus’ word and follow it; it’s the blessed source of our assurance of salvation and the power that alone can bring others, through our faithful witness of that word, to faith in that free salvation. 

We are God’s Privileged Heirs – July 10, 2022

As God’s people at Faith Lutheran Church, we rightly include as part of our church’s name the term “evangelical.”  That word means gospel-centered as we focus our preaching and teaching on Jesus: Who He is, what His chief work is and naturally what that means for the life of those who follow Him in faith. 

As we have been discussing, the season of Pentecost stresses the growth of God’s Church, His family of believers.  By no means, however, do we forget that God in His grace achieves that growth.  Salvation rests solely on what our Savior has accomplished on our behalf.  The Holy Spirit specifically causes that growth, first by creating faith through the waters of baptism and then strengthening and sustaining that faith through the gospel in word and sacrament. 

No matter our race, gender or social status, faith in Christ makes us equally members of God’s family.  May we continue to treasure this truth and share it with others!  That’s fulfilling the mission of Pentecost. 

The LORD Grants A Second Life After Death – June 26, 2022

Jesus performed miracles to prove that He is true God, “the Word made flesh” (John 1:14).  During the Epiphany season, Jesus’ miracles directed people to His word, which emphasized how He also made Himself known as the only saving light for all people (John 8:12).   

Now that we have begun the season of Pentecost, this non-festival season of the church years shifts more to the response of believers to Jesus.  That’s why Pentecost primarily outlines the growth of Christ’s Church by the faith-response of believers as they use His means of grace through which the Holy Spirit calls to faith and keep in the true faith. 

 As we consider this faith-life of believers, we witness this widow of Nain at a time of severe faith-testing.  In her time of bereavement, however, Jesus comes with His word of life.  He proves His power over death by raising up her son.  We also witness our LORD’s resurrection power in the Old Testament account of Elijah restoring life from death to the widow’s son. 

Certainly, these two accounts assure how Jesus has control over death for us too.  He may not spare us from physical death—unless He returns before that time.  But by faith, we pray to Jesus for help and turn to His word which guarantees He conquered our sin and defeated our death. 

Oh, For A Faith That Jesus Calls Great… June 19, 2022

Greetings in our risen and ascended Savior!  Beginning with this Second Sunday after Pentecost, we enter into the non-festival half of the church year.  During this season, the Scripture lessons point to examples of the believer’s life in Christ, and of the Holy Spirit’s power as He brings people to faith and strengthens them in their faith to live for Jesus.   

As we have mentioned several times, the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) focus on the acts of Jesus to build His Church during His earthly ministry.  The book of Acts (as well as the other epistles) reveals the acts of Jesus to build His Church after His ascension into heaven.  Just as we recently read from the book of Revelation for a number of consecutive Sundays, this Sunday we begin reading from the book of Galatians for several Sundays.   

Therefore, we will read how Jesus keeps His promise to build His Church through the work of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit works through the word and sacraments, the Means of Grace, which faithful followers of Jesus administer in a God-pleasing way.  In summary, then, this non-festival season of Sundays after Pentecost emphasizes the growth of God’s Church as the Holy Spirit calls and gathers believers. 

The Lord Spreads out His Church – June 5, 2022

According to the Old Testament ceremonial laws, the feast of Pentecost came exactly seven weeks after the Passover celebration—on the fiftieth day after the Passover, hence the name Pentecost meaning fiftieth.  For the Jews, Pentecost recalled the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai marking the institution of God’s Old Testament Church.  Pentecost also served as a Jewish thanksgiving festival for the harvest; the day the people offered to the LORD two loaves of bread made from the first fruits of wheat. 

For us, Pentecost—also known as Whitsunday (derived from the white garments worn by those baptized on this day)—marks the beginning of God’s New Testament Church.  This festival serves as one of thanksgiving for firstfruits as well, not merely the firstfruits of an earthly harvest, but of a harvest of souls as the Holy Spirit works through God’s word and baptism to bring souls into the kingdom of God. 

Jesus Prays For Us – May 29, 2022

In our confessional Lutheran Church, which upholds that God’s word is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, we believe in the Divine Call.  When a congregation calls a pastor, teacher, vicar or lay minister, etc., we believe that God controls the process; God is calling that individual through His believers.  Paul reminds us, “He (Jesus) himself the apostles, as well as the prophets, as well as the evangelists, as well as the pastors and teachers, for the purpose of training the saints for the work of serving. In order to build up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:11, EVHTM). 

At other times in biblical history, we see how the Lord took a more “direct” approach in calling individuals to service in His Church.  Today, God directly speaks to us in His word.  But He calls individuals into various forms of ministry to serve as His spokespeople through His believers.  The goal of any spokesperson for God is to faithfully proclaim God’s word in all its truth and purity and thereby glorify God.  When faithfully doing so, any Christian can have the confidence and joy that as we speak God’s word, the Holy Spirit is working to bring people to faith and God’s goal of heaven.