The LORD Grants A Second Life After Death – June 26, 2022

Jesus performed miracles to prove that He is true God, “the Word made flesh” (John 1:14).  During the Epiphany season, Jesus’ miracles directed people to His word, which emphasized how He also made Himself known as the only saving light for all people (John 8:12).   

Now that we have begun the season of Pentecost, this non-festival season of the church years shifts more to the response of believers to Jesus.  That’s why Pentecost primarily outlines the growth of Christ’s Church by the faith-response of believers as they use His means of grace through which the Holy Spirit calls to faith and keep in the true faith. 

 As we consider this faith-life of believers, we witness this widow of Nain at a time of severe faith-testing.  In her time of bereavement, however, Jesus comes with His word of life.  He proves His power over death by raising up her son.  We also witness our LORD’s resurrection power in the Old Testament account of Elijah restoring life from death to the widow’s son. 

Certainly, these two accounts assure how Jesus has control over death for us too.  He may not spare us from physical death—unless He returns before that time.  But by faith, we pray to Jesus for help and turn to His word which guarantees He conquered our sin and defeated our death.