As we continue to march on into the Advent season, our fundamental focus remains that Jesus came to establish peace between the LORD and sinners. God the Father sent His promised Messiah, His Savior-Son. Jesus redeemed us through His perfect life, sacrificial death and victorious resurrection. The Holy Spirit grafted us to God’s family tree in baptism and keeps us as growing branches through the means of grace.
The readings for this “Second Sunday in Advent” speak of the Savior, who comes as the “root” from the “stump of Jesse.” St. Paul reiterates Isaiah’s message stressing that faith in Jesus unites Jews and Gentiles into the one family tree of God. John the Baptizer warns the Pharisees and Sadducees against lifeless formalism in their religious life. The Baptizer prepares the way for the Savior, by commanding people to repent and turn to Jesus in faith for forgiveness.