Sing Praise To Our Savior-King – April 10, 2022

Today we celebrate “Palm Sunday.” Palm Sunday’s name stems from the palm branches Jesus’ followers spread on His path as He entered Jerusalem for Holy Week.  Jesus’ humble entry on a beast of burden reflected His life of humility and foreshadowed His death.  The praises sung by those welcoming Him offer a foretaste of His victory over sin and death.  Palm Sunday puts both Christ’s humility and glory on display.  Truly, Jesus’ cross leads to His crown.  

Traditionally, on Palm Sunday the church received into membership candidates for baptism and confirmation.  In today’s epistle lesson, Paul certainly provides a basis for this practice when he writes, “Your attitude should be the same as that of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  Then, Paul proceeds to outline the steps of Jesus’ humiliation and exaltation. 

Christians certainly follow in their Savior’s footsteps.  We follow Jesus to the cross where He paid for our sins and we continue to follow our Savior from the empty tomb proclaiming His victory for us over sin and death.  May the Holy Spirit through word and sacrament keep us faithfully following Jesus’ ultimate goal for us in heaven (Revelation 2:10).