Rejoice In The Lord Always – December 12, 2021

Step by step the Advent season leads us to the coming Savior.  The One who came according to God’s promise will surely come again on Judgment Day to “judge the living and the dead” (1st Sunday of Advent).  How we as Christians look forward to that “final redemption,” through which God will glorify us body and soul and take us to heaven with Him! 

Advent also prepares us for the coming of God’s Son by sending His faithful messengers who proclaim His word of truth (2nd Sunday of Advent).  By His coming the Savior would bring a new life and a new strength to those who believe (3rd Sunday of Advent).    

John the Baptizer’s message proclaimed to all to turn away from sin and to turn to God’s Savior for forgiveness.  As Jesus’ forerunner, that was the essence of John’s message and ministry.  John not only urged people to turn from sin and turn to Jesus for forgiveness, but stressed how Christians will demonstrate the sincerity of their faith by bringing forth fruits of faith, of which one of the fruits is “rejoicing in the Lord in all situations.” 

Of interest, too, when the people asked John if he were “the Christ” (the promised Messiah), John pointed to the true Christ who would soon reveal Himself to them by His divine power and saving mission.