Money and wealth rule in today’s materialistic society. That materialistic mindset—as illustrated in today’s Old Testament lesson—can affect all making one easily forget that God is the One who blessed us with many physical blessings. How we handle those blessings, however, whether they be dollars or possessions, reflects our relationship with our God.
In the Epistle lesson, Paul urges young pastor Timothy to be a faithful steward by praying for all people. Whether it’s by using our wealth, “business” savvy, or prayer life, God desires we be His faithful stewards in His mission to spread the gospel.
In today’s Gospel lesson, Jesus points out that non-Christians often show more keen business ability and wisdom in dealing with people than Jesus’ disciples show. When we fail to pull out all the stops to reach our goal of spreading the gospel, then we are like that man in dishonesty but unlike him in cleverness. Jesus desires that we be both honest and divinely shrewd in managing God’s gifts to do God’s work of spreading the gospel