Jesus Serves By Bringing Life – October 24, 2021

While the passion of our Savior seems unfair to believers and hurts our hearts, it underscores the result of sin’s curse and the need to satisfy God’s holy justice.  There is no way any human could atone for sin, because we truly “like sheep have gone astray” (Isaiah 53:6).   

But our loving, heavenly Father sent His Son to be “the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).  Isaiah emphasizes that the Messiah’s humiliation secured our salvation and once Jesus completed His saving work, He reigns as our exalted Savior. The writer to the Hebrews points out that Jesus is the Fulfiller of our Sabbath rest, the free, “rested” conscience that surely comes from the forgiveness of sins Jesus won for us.  Mark stresses Jesus’ humility in light of James and John’s request of their human view of service. 

In all three readings for this Sunday, we witness how Jesus’ mission consisted of voluntary and completely selfless, humble service to His Father’s will.  His mission has freed us from slavery to Satan and sin, and made us God’s children to live freely for Him.