Jesus Is Zealous For His Father’s House – December 26, 2021

Despite the official celebration of Christmas freshly in the rearview mirror, we still relish in its ongoing blessings.  Our Christchild came to redeem all people by giving Himself as a ransom for sin.  Like a red ribbon surrounding a beautifully decorated Christmas gift, so the red line of prophecy runs throughout Scripture until the gospels unfold the gift of the Christchild.  He became true man to submit to God’s holy law and live it perfectly for us who couldn’t.  Jesus came as the God-man to sacrifice His innocent life to pay for sin.  Our Savior rose victoriously as God and man to assure that He conquered sin and defeated death.  His resurrection assures our physical resurrection.  

Our focus today reflects the ongoing, central theme of Scripture: “For God so loved the word that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).