In The End…The LORD Will Deliver – November 14, 2021

The church year officially comes to a close on Sunday, November 21.  So, these last Sundays have a theme focusing on the end times before Christ returns on Judgment Day.  These Sundays of the End Times have specific themes to do so.   

For instance, last Sunday was known as “Last Judgment.”  This particular Sunday is known as “Saints Triumphant.”  Our readings for this Sunday will focus on God’s goal and promise for us: to deliver us from this sinful world to our home in heaven.  In heaven, we will enjoy perfection of body, soul and environment.  No longer will the effects of living in a sinful world in any way corrupt us or our heavenly home. God’s ultimate goal for us, then, will commence on Judgment Day, when He will raise up the bodies of those who have died and rejoin their glorified souls to be in heaven forevermore (Philippians 3:12-21).