Find Refuge In The LORD’s Revelation – September 26, 2021

When Jesus’ disciples once debated as to what greatness meant for the kingdom of God, Jesus taught them true greatness.  True greatness comes by sincerely and thankfully serving Jesus because of what He has done for us.  Our serving God is a reflection of our faith created by the Holy Spirit in His grace and strengthened by God’s word and sacrament. 

Interestingly, on several occasions Jesus pointed to a child as an example of greatness in the kingdom of God.  Although the apostle Paul chided a sinfully spoiled “has-to-have-it his way childlike demeanor” in the great love chapter of Scripture (1 Corinthians 13:11), Jesus commends a childlike faith in God (of any age) from the person who believes, serves and trusts God above all things (Mark 10:13-16; Matthew 18:2-4).  

As God’s people, redeemed by Jesus, brought to faith by the working of the Holy Spirit and made God’s holy temple (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), we live out of love for Jesus.  We live to His glory, to witness and share His word.  We follow Paul’s principle: “So whether you eat or drink, or do anything else, do everything to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). 

     All our readings this morning focus on greatness in the kingdom of God.  They show us that greatness grows out of trust in the Lord.  This greatness has its center in love: God’s great love for us in Jesus and our reciprocating love for Him and for others.  Such love of Jesus leads to genuine service to Him and to His glory.  We see this “greatness” reflected in the love Jeremiah had for the LORD’s word; He remained bound to it personally and proclaimed it faithfully despite the hostile opposition he faced as the LORD’s prophet.