Be Zealous For The LORD God Almighty – July 17, 2022

In keeping with the theme of the growth of God’s Church during Pentecost, today’s lessons point to the fact that the life of a follower of Christ is a life of self-denial.  True faith demonstrates itself in sincere service to the Lord…all to His glory.  Indeed, Jesus comes first in our lives (Matthew 6:33).   

The objective comfort coming from a God-first attitude (First Commandment) remains the gospel.  Since we know God has saved us by His grace in Jesus’ alone, we are free to live for Him.  Out of gratitude, we live to do and to keep His will.  God’s saving gospel moves us to share this “good news” of free salvation with others as well.  

Jesus demonstrated a perfect love that wouldn’t prevent Him from carrying out His saving mission.  God grant that we cling faithfully to Jesus’ word and follow it; it’s the blessed source of our assurance of salvation and the power that alone can bring others, through our faithful witness of that word, to faith in that free salvation.