Be Rich With God – August 21, 2022

As Christians, our lives in this world have special significance, but it isn’t to acquire earthly wealth, possessions, fame, or honor. Our goal is to remain faithful to our Savior and reach life everlasting. During this earthly life, we live by grace; ours is to remain wise caretakers of God’s gospel and spread His word to others. So many people pursue the “stuff” of this sinful world to find meaning in life. Yet, such pursuits amount to nothing more than an inheritance that others receive after one dies. To be rich toward God means to live lives of thanksgiving for all that He has given us through Jesus Christ. 

In our Gospel reading, the man in the crowd called Jesus “teacher,” but hadn’t learned the importance of WHO Jesus was and WHAT He has called us to do during this time of grace. Paul tells us that lesson in Colossians: “Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” These terms do not simply mean that Christians ignore all earthly and physical concerns. Rather, Paul reminds us not to “earthly things” preoccupy and smother our faith and living for Jesus.