Author: trinityrogerscity

We Have Divine Access – July 25, 2021

Many describe the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost as “Orthodoxy Sunday.”  In this word we see “ortho,” which in the original Greek means “straight.”  Hence, when one wants to straighten out teeth, one visits the orthodontist.  From a religious standpoint, the word “orthodox” implies “following the straight truth of Scripture.”  Therefore, we describe churches that faithfully hold […]

Praise in the Park – July 10, 2021

On Saturday, July 10th from 4-6 PM, we will be having a praise service and presentation about Bethany Lutheran College in lieu of our typically Sunday morning Bible Class and Service. The service will be in the Pavilion at Lakeside Park. Bruce Gratz will be giving a presentation about all that Bethany Lutheran College has to offer. […]

Walk By Faith, Not By Sight – June 20, 2021

Forty days after Easter, Jesus ascended into heaven.  What this biblical truth means is that Jesus removed His visible presence from us.  There are some who incorrectly believe that since Jesus is “physically” in heaven, He’s “trapped” there and cannot be “present” on earth.  But Scripture clearly teaches that our Savior, who is both God […]

We Have This Treasure In Jars Of Clay – June 6 2021

We have now officially entered the Pentecost season.  Pentecost Sunday emphasized how the Holy Spirit poured out specials gifts on His church to grow the church.  We, although cracked, clay jars, use the powerful gifts of God’s word and sacraments to grow God’s church—the Spirit’s means to bring people into God’s kingdom of grace.  Today, […]

Find Comfort in your Christian IRA – May 30, 2021

Today the Christian church celebrates “Holy Trinity” Sunday. Certainly, the Bible’s teaching about our God challenges our human understanding. On the one hand, the Bible clearly teaches, “The LORD our God, the LORD is one” (Deuteronomy 6:4). Yet, our One God consists of three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus expressed this truth […]

Hear The LORD’s Word And Live – May 23, 2021

Today the Christian church celebrates Pentecost.  In the Old Testament book of Joel, God promised through His prophet: “I will pour out my Spirt on all people” (Joel 2:28).  According to the Holy Spirit’s divinely inspired writer of the book of Acts (2:17ff), we know God fulfilled this promise on “Pentecost Day.”  50 days after […]