Author: trinityrogerscity

The LORD Confirms His Covenant With Sinners – January 2, 2022

Today, we celebrate the “Second Sunday after Christmas.”  Yes, the official Christmas season and its related celebrations have passed for another year.  Nonetheless, our LORD’s word never “perishes, spoils and fades” (1 Peter 1:3-4).  Rather, the word of the Lord endures forever!  In today’s Old Testament lesson, we hear our LORD pledge such an enduring […]

Jesus Is Zealous For His Father’s House – December 26, 2021

Despite the official celebration of Christmas freshly in the rearview mirror, we still relish in its ongoing blessings.  Our Christchild came to redeem all people by giving Himself as a ransom for sin.  Like a red ribbon surrounding a beautifully decorated Christmas gift, so the red line of prophecy runs throughout Scripture until the gospels unfold the gift of […]

The LORD Will Fulfill His Promise

Today we begin a new church year as we enter the “Festival Half of the Church Year” with the season of Advent.  The word Advent comes from the Latin verb advenio, meaning “to come to.”  The word “Advent” in Latin means, “He comes.”    Certainly, the end of the church year reminded us that Jesus would again […]