Author: trinityrogerscity

Blinded By Light To See The LIGHT – May 1, 2022

Third Sunday of Easter                                                                     May 1, 2022  As St. John closes his gospel in chapter 21, he records how Jesus had appeared to His disciples for the third time.  This time, while fishing, the Savior repeated an earlier miracle so they might recognize that He, who had risen, was the same Lord Jesus who had […]

I Am Sending You – April 24, 2022

Starting this Second Sunday of Easter, we replace the readings from the Old Testament with a series of readings from Acts.  This book, written by the gospel writer Luke, continues the story of Jesus after His ascension into heaven.  We could rightly paraphrase the gospels: the acts of Jesus during His earthly ministry; we could […]

Christ Is Our Cornerstone – April 3, 2022

Historically in the Christian church, the Sundays in Lent have been referred to as “mini-Easters.”  Therefore, Christians often emphasized the passion of Jesus during the special midweek services instead of during the regular Sunday services.  According to a custom stemming from this practice years ago, however, Christians started calling the regular Sundays in Lent “Passion […]

Jesus Calls Us to Repent – March 20, 2022

Our Scripture lessons for this Third Sunday in Lent wonderfully illustrate Law and Gospel.  The Law part warns God’s people not to reject His call to serve, ignore the power of His word when confronted by temptation, or question His ways when we don’t understand.  The Gospel part holds before us God’s grace-promise of free […]