Author: trinityrogerscity

Be Rich With God – August 21, 2022

As Christians, our lives in this world have special significance, but it isn’t to acquire earthly wealth, possessions, fame, or honor. Our goal is to remain faithful to our Savior and reach life everlasting. During this earthly life, we live by grace; ours is to remain wise caretakers of God’s gospel and spread His word […]

The Lord Spreads out His Church – June 5, 2022

According to the Old Testament ceremonial laws, the feast of Pentecost came exactly seven weeks after the Passover celebration—on the fiftieth day after the Passover, hence the name Pentecost meaning fiftieth.  For the Jews, Pentecost recalled the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai marking the institution of God’s Old Testament Church.  Pentecost also served […]

Jesus Prays For Us – May 29, 2022

In our confessional Lutheran Church, which upholds that God’s word is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, we believe in the Divine Call.  When a congregation calls a pastor, teacher, vicar or lay minister, etc., we believe that God controls the process; God is calling that individual through His believers.  Paul […]