Author: trinityrogerscity

Special Services and Continued Blessings

Upcoming and continued services and Bible study at Trinity: Worship and Bible Class:-Women’s Bible Class:  Occurs Monday’s at 2:30PM @ Trinity.  Pastor Basel is covering women of the Bible and is currently reviewing Sarah’ life and service to the LORD. -Bible Study and Sunday School: 8 AM each Sunday. -Lent Midweek Services: Wednesday, Feb 21st and […]

The Christian’s Bigger Than Life Boast – October 1, 2023

For today’s “Hymn of the Day” we will sing “God Moves in a Mysterious Way” (CW 420). John Newton (author of “Amazing Grace”) first published this hymn of William Cowper in 1774, originally entitled, “Light out of Darkness.” The title evidently referenced Cowper’s mental afflictions, but highlights Bible-based meditative thoughts to strengthen Christians, when God’s […]

Stop Being Afraid! – July 2, 2023

Jesus told His disciples and naturally us as His modern-day disciples: “In this world you are going to have trouble. But be courageous! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, EHVTM). Due to a world soiled by sin, troubles come upon Christians in the form of persecution because of the Christian faith. Yet, Jesus has […]

Jesus Prays the Perfect Prayer – May 21, 2023

Today we officially “close” the Easter season. Yet, in all our preaching and teaching…in all our worship services we never stop proclaiming Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus’ rising from the dead is the heartbeat of our faith. St. Paul stresses: “…if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is pointless, and your faith is pointless too… But […]

Jesus, Stay With Us – April 23, 2023

Many earthly celebrations are brief. But God’s divine festival of Easter inspires an ongoing afterglow. God’s grace burns ever brighter as each Sunday after Easter continues to build our Christian faith and sure hope on our Savior’s rising.  As mentioned last Sunday, the book of the Acts of the Apostles replaces our Old Testament lessons […]