The life of the believer in this world is marked by difficulties. Often it seems that unbelievers have easier lives in this world—consider what the LORD’s inspired writer pens in Psalm 73.
In reality, however, the life of unbelievers may be easier on this side of eternity in some respects, but they are not better. Jesus remains our strong and solid foundation in the face of any challenges. Focusing on the cross of Christ prepares believers to meet these challenges with confidence.
Standing up for Jesus and His cross, however, doesn’t bring peace from the world. Although the cry in America these days is for “tolerance,” the word of God doesn’t always unite—it often divides. The word of God does not bring peace between believers and unbelievers, but division, even among the strongest of human relationships such as the family. Such troubles in life echo Jesus’ realistic reminder: “In this world you will have trouble.” Nevertheless, Jesus reminds us of His powerful promise: “But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).