It’s Good For Us To Be Here – February 27, 2022

The significance of “Transfiguration Sunday” remains twofold in purpose.  Firstly, it gives us a glimpse and reminder of WHO Jesus truly is: the all-powerful Son of God.  That truth remains important, especially as we see Jesus suffer during His Passion.  There will be times when He doesn’t appear to be in control as our almighty God since He allows Himself to be beaten, ridiculed, spit on and tortured. 

Secondly, “Transfiguration Sunday” provides the backdrop for discussion revolving around the very WHY Jesus took on a human nature and came to earth.  Jesus came here as the only One who could redeem us from sin by His perfect life, sacrificial, substitutionary death and victory resurrection.   

Today’s Scripture lessons tell of the Lord’s glory and relate how Jesus fits in with that glory as Jesus discusses the purpose of His Passion and saving mission with those on the Mount of Transfiguration.