The LORD Makes All Work For Our Good – February 20, 2022

In what some consider the most comforting of all chapters in Scripture, the Apostle Paul assures through the Holy Spirit: “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose….” (Romans 8:28) Now Paul doesn’t promise that everything that happens to us living in this sin-fallen world is good.  Paul outlines in Romans 8 how we do suffer the consequences of sin.  Yet, there is the promise that God will make all work out for good, although we may not at times feel it, see it or understand it. 

How can we be so sure?  God has “called” us to be His own.  We know that happened in baptism, where God personally “called us by name” and “made us His own” (Isaiah 43:1).  What’s more, Jesus is our Redeemer and Judge…and if He doesn’t condemn us because of His saving work, who can?  Truly, the LORD promises to never “leave or forsake us” (Deuteronomy 31:6) based on His divine promise of grace and mercy…all due to the saving work of Jesus.  

We hear of God’s ultimate control in the lives of His believers in the case of Joseph when it seemed all was going wrong.  In the end, however, the LORD blessed Joseph more than humanly imaginable.  Also, Paul guarantees that even physical death, which seems to be a dead end for us, is overcome by Jesus’ resurrection and ours because of Him.  Finally, instead of lashing out at our enemies who may do us wrong, Jesus urges us to love them and share with them the confidence we have that “God makes all work for our good” as His people.