Listen To The LORD’s Prophet – January 30, 2022

We remember how Epiphany reinforces that Jesus is true God, although at times He only appears to be a mere, mortal man.  Also, the truth that Jesus is true God reinforces that He is the Light of the world (John 8:12), the only saving light for sinners living in the darkness of sin (Acts 4:12; John 14:6).  We teach that Jesus had three offices as part of His saving mission: Prophet, Priest and King.  As God’s ultimate Spokesman, Jesus stands out as unique from any other human prophet.  All human prophets had to proclaim to their hearers, “This is what the LORD says.”  Jesus, however, proclaimed, “This is what I say as the LORD” (Review Jesus’ claim last week as He read from Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:14-21).   

Our readings today show a similarity and yet a contrast.  In the Old Testament, the LORD called and equipped Jeremiah to be His prophet.  In the Epistle lesson, God “calls” and equips all Christians with various gifts to serve in various roles as His spokespeople in His Church.  In the Gospel, Jesus identified Himself as THE Prophet of God and Luke related how He faithfully carried out this office despite how humans reacted.