Jesus Fulfills Prophecy In Our Hearing – January 23, 2022

Again, Epiphany reminds us of how Jesus came into this world to be the “Light of World,” that is, the light of salvation for all people (John 8:12) living in the darkness of sin.  Sadly, some still do since they don’t believe in Jesus as the Son of God or the only Savior of the world (Acts 4:12).  Yet, the Messianic thread of prophecy runs throughout the Old Testament that God would send the Savior for the fallen human race.  In the New Testament, we witness the fulfilment of that prophecy in Jesus. 

Our readings today—especially the Old Testament and Gospel lessons—tie together the thread of that truth.  Our Epistle lesson stresses how the Church, built because of and on Christ as Savior, works together to carry out Jesus’ Great Commission…all done in gratitude for God’s gift of salvation.  As we remember that Christ is the “Light of the World,” Jesus says of us also and instructs us accordingly, “You are the light of the world…People do not light a lamp and put it under a basket… let your light shine in people’s presence, so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14, 16).