Jesus Reveals His Glory – January 16, 2022

When we speak of Jesus’ state of humiliation, we define it as the time period during which He didn’t always make full use of His divine glory, knowledge and power.  Yet, as the true God, He still had it.   

During the Lenten Season, we focus especially on Jesus’ Passion History, when He doesn’t always appear to be the all-powerful God.  While this truth may also apply during the Epiphany Season, on this day we hear how Jesus demonstrated His divine power as true God.   

The miracle revealed in John’s gospel serves as Jesus’ first recorded miracle during His state of humiliation and as He began His public ministry.  The truth remains that Jesus is the all-powerful true God, despite what others may see, think or witness at certain times.  As the true God-man, nothing is impossible for Him, especially when it comes to doing everything necessary for our salvation. 

In fact, through His prophet Isaiah, the LORD revealed the miracle of how Jesus made us righteousness, that is, “right” with God.  This righteousness is not something we earn by what we do.  Rather, this righteousness is that which God gives us by grace through faith in Jesus.  Isaiah reminds us to let that righteousness shine in our witness of Jesus in deed and word.