Every Sunday, we speak about Jesus’ passive obedience, that is, that He came here to suffer and die on the cross to pay for sin. But we must also present Scripture’s two-fold nature of Jesus’ saving work. Jesus also had to obey the demands of God’s holy law perfectly as our substitute (Matthew 5:17-18). We call this most vital work of Jesus submitting Himself to and living perfectly God’s holy law the Savior’s active obedience.
Indeed, Advent reveals how God fulfilled His eternal plan to send His Son born of the virgin Mary through a miracle worked by the Holy Spirit. That’s the focus of Jesus’ first advent with His Bethlehem birth.
But Jesus will come again in great power and glory at the end of this world as we currently know it for the final redemption for all of God’s true believers. With great joy we not only celebrate the Savior’s birth, but eagerly anticipate His second coming.